English for Speakers of Other Languages
Our Mission
The mission of the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program in Blevins Public Schools is to foster the linguistic and academic development as well as the personal and social growth of the English language learners in our learning community.
Program Goals
Goal #1 – Program Implementation – The BPSD ESOL Program will comply with federal guidelines through the program implementation practices (such as identification, assessment, staffing, etc)
Goal #2 – Progress in English language development – ELLs will show growth in all four domains of the English language (listening, speaking, reading and writing) to attain English proficiency.
Goal #3 -Progress in academic content – ELLs will show growth to attain parity of participation in the standard instructional program, comparable to their never EL- peers, within a reasonable amount of time.
Fredrica Monk
ESOL Coordinator